Sunday 2 May 2010

News - Exclusive on Paintings from iconic Russian Historical and Spiritualist painter - rare availability outside Russia

“Art is a revolutionary force, actually the only one.”

“Art is a revolutionary force, actually the only one.” This bold statement of the influential sculptor and action artist Joseph Beuys (1921-1986) challenges us to reexamine the way we look at art. It suggests that doing and “consuming”, rather than art being a merely entertaining pastime, is a vitally important human activity and can become a tool for transformation—of ourselves and the world. We will attempt to experience art as a transformative activity, in a most immediate and hands-on way through working with form and form development in sculpture. Clay-modeling will be accompanied by guided observation of the transformative processes in nature. Rudolf Steiner suggested that one of the most important concepts which humanity of our time will have to come to terms with is that of metamorphosis—the transformation of forms. This can be studied in an exemplary way in the development of plants and brought alive in us and through us in the artistic process. ...... Suggested reading: J.W. von Goethe, The Metamorphosis of Plants; New Eyes for Plants, M. Colquhoun, and A. Ewald, Art as Spiritual Activity, Michael Howard, Rudolf Steiner’s Contribution to the Visual Arts, Joseph Beuys, What Is Art? Conversations With Joseph Beuys  (See Rudolf Steiner Institute Courses for more)