Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Artist - Silas Birtwistle

We are pleased to bring to your attention   
which we have the honour of offering for sale to a new owner.  

For those of you who do not know about this global fine art work, please watch the videos and follow the links to learn more about the table and 12 chairs which have already travelled the world and been the backdrop for dignitaries and celebrities from Tony Blair, Boris Johnson, board members of WWF, to Harrison Ford actor and Vice Chair Conservation International, Prince Bandar bin Saud bin Mohammad Al Saud of Saudi Arabia (business man and Arab eco-compaigner),  Achim Steiner, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme,  etc.... 

The work has been the centre piece from the International Conference on Biodiversity Nagoya, Japan to Davos Switzerland, World Summit and most recently is on view at the World Museum, Liverpool.

"....The artwork reflects international concerns about threats to the environment from global warming, pollution, population and other factors. The table is set to tour the globe and its first residency is in Liverpool at World Museum.  

Silas says: "I collected the driftwood from the four corners of the world with help from indigenous communities and local environmental non-governmental organisations, most notably the WWF (World Wildlife Fund). The table symbolises the meeting between land and sea, connections between human land-based activities and the coastal and marine environment, the links between cultures and the need for dialogue and agreement between countries to ensure the protection of biodiversity.” 

Click to see the short film on how the project came to be:

Most recently in May of this year (2011),  at the specific request of MISSION (NOKIA'S PR company)  who were seeking extraordinary UKprojects to navigate between with the new NOKIA E7  incorporated Silas as part of the new Nokia TV Advert. It featured amongst their Destination E7 Visit highlights, Silas gathering wood for two feature Carver Driftwood Chairs  
- the concept of his magnificent furniture....for sustainable living and epitomising sustainable art, biodiversity, a global world view and everything for which this project stands.
Perhaps most eloquently of all, speaking of the project and artwork, Ahmed Djoghlaf Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity under the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) :   

“I would like to thank WWF, FSC and Maersk Line for supporting this unique project and I invite others to make use of the table and enable its exhibition during 2011, the International Year of Forests.    But most of all I want to thank and to congratulate Silas Birtwistle. Among all those who have contributed to the celebration of the 2010 International Year of Biodiversity, I know of no one who has dedicated such personal effort. Others have worked on behalf of their organizations, but Silas has conceived and carried this as a private individual concerned about the environmental legacy we are leaving our children.   
The artwork and its presence in Nagoya is testimony to his personal commitment,  sacrifice and determination and I find that immensely inspiring.”  
Contact Claire Swait  for more information on commissioning your own project or objects, and stay tuned here for more on the most exciting Global Sustainable Development project in California; soon to house this wonderful 21st century symbolic and functional work of art.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011


Maria Teresa Miriel tells about the source of her inspiration for painting wild creatures and domestic animals, why clients choose her work and these subjects as gifts & to adorn their homes.

"I do so love animals. I simply feel tremendous tenderness towards them. They are wonderful creatures but are not always treated as they deserve, and too often with a total lack of respect, consideration and cruelty. It breaks my heart when remembering some occasions and not only feeling sad but truly furious about the unfairness of the situations I have known or heard.

I think that animals are like defenceless children no matter how fierce they can be. If you chain them, beat them or simply don’t give them food or water, they will die, no matter how strong and wild that animal is. The poor creatures can’t speak, cry or call for help. They do feel and suffer. There are so many proofs of it… I cooperate with dog rescue centres and they have too many stories that can back this statement! We should, we must be their voices… they need our help.
I live in Spain, AndalucĂ­a, a wonderful country but unfortunately not known for their love to animals. Luckily and gradually things are changing, for the better, with people becoming more aware of the necessity to be kind and respectful towards them. Sadly it hasn’t been like this and still there is a long way to go. But now, there are more societies created for animal protection, my husband and I, sponsor a donkey from the Donkey Sanctuary in Antequera, near Malaga. It is such a marvellous experience to visit that place. It is worth every minute of it. Also, our dog of 12 years old now was a stray, found abandoned near our house, like so many poor dogs around Christmas time… so sad.

That is one of the main reasons why I probably enjoy painting animals so much. I have painted pets, horses and also zebras, lions, beautiful Bengal tigers, etc. I feel that they can be portrayed as works of art in themselves and decorate our walls in a different and magnificent way. And those paintings fit equally well in a classical or modern environment. A big painting of an animal can fill up the room and create a unique atmosphere all by itself.
I have often heard with great satisfaction particularly from lady clients how happy they are when buying from me the painting of an animal and giving it as a present to their husband . Otherwise, they tell me, he would have just ended up with the usual seascape, landscape, boat or map picture… but a painting of an animal? Well, that is simply wonderful, something special … nobody remains indifferent to it. I like to think that my particular love of animals helps to add power to the impact of those unique subjects."

To buy Maria Teresa Miriel's works or for exhibition arrangements, trade and corporate sales and partnerships contact The Fine Art Partnership Ltd TM .  We work with your preferences on every level: ideas, periods, color-ways, artist or genre with access to extensive collections and artists who create on commission as well.    
All works are available as commissions by contacting  to discuss or to ask for a quote.

Monday, 10 January 2011

KOP Africa - Make a difference in 2011 - Intelligent Giving, Intelligently Implemented

"The Kenyan Orphan Project was started in 2001 by 3 medical students with the vision to fight against poverty, disease, social exclusion and injustice and to help improve the lives of orphans and vulnerable children in Kenya.

Since then more than 650 students from different UK medical schools have been helping to support KOP projects. KOP also works hard to link project work with global child health education and experience for UK students and volunteers.

KOP is committed to creating sustainable initiatives with local project partners."

Give your time:
or Support with funds, a small effort makes a big difference:
Watch and Listen to know why :